Δευτέρα 28 Ιουνίου 2010

Ten Images for Ithaca : Winners Announced

Ten Images for Ithaca : "Labels"
International Poster Competition

Submissions: 1.728 posters from 73 countries.

Prizes and Merits are awarded to the posters that gathered the highest score after the jury's voting.

1st prize: Primoz Zorko, Slovenia
2nd prize: Michael Shepherd, U.K.
3rd prize: Nina Teerilahti, Finland


Ivan A. Celin (U.S.A.), Evagelia Moraitou (Greece), Teofilo Gomez-Calcerrada (Spain), Jean-Philippe Paumier (Netherlands), Vitya Glushchenko (Ukraine), Lex Drewinski (Germany), Anastasios Kriempardis (Greece).

The awards (prizes, merits and honourable mentions) will be presented at the Ithaca Public Art Gallery on July 17, 2010. The ten best posters (prizes and merits) will be exhibited on Ithaca's promenade from July 17 to August 31, 2010. All prizes, merits, honourable mentions and finalists will be exhibited in Ithaca (Public Art Gallery) from July 17 to July 31, 2010 and in Athens (EDO) from September 22 to September 26, 2010.

Discover more at : tenimages.org